Independent Forest Monitoring

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RUDEYA & RMSC of the Forestry Commission undertook an 18-month project on forest governance in the Mankraso forest district with funding from ITTO. The project aimed to build the capacity of forest communities to improve their participation in forest governance and monitoring at the forest gate. The initiative contributed to forest law enforcement and improved the assessment of forest law compliance right from the forest gate. The project empowered the forest communities to improve their negotiation skill for equitable share of timber revenues, community development projects and improved livelihoods.

Key activities undertaken included:

  1. Baseline studies of forest communities’ knowledge of forest governance and sustainable forest management in the Mankraso Forest District.
  2. Educational programs on Ghana FLEGT and measures to curb illegal logging in 20 forest communities; negotiation skills training workshop for 40 CFCs representatives on benefit sharing arrangements.
  3. SRAs, community development projects, compensation payments to affected farmers.
  4. Stakeholders meeting to validate monitoring reports and project lessons with FC, TVD, FWG, NFF, GTMO, GTA, DA, and the community-led independent monitoring team and
  5. Networks with NFF, CFCs, District Forest Forum, District Assembly, FC, TVD, RMSC, NFF and CSOs for information sharing and dissemination.


Project in Pictures